Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
One Month Old!
I cannot believe my baby is one month old! I am already dreading going back to work! Ansley has already changed so much! She started out pretty needy and intense- I don't think we put her down the 1st week! Not that I minded holding my sweet newborn! She cried so much during her bath in the hospital that she made herself sick, and continued to be pretty vocal anytime we started to put her down once we got home - diaper changes, baths, etc. We now know she likes to be swaddled. She has a major startle reflex which makes it hard to lay her down. The swaddling really helps! She will now sit in her bouncy seat for a little while, too. Ansley Sue- You are staying awake more now, especially in the mornings. You still eat every 2-2 1/2 hours, even at night. There have been a couple of 3 hour stretches, but mostly you stick to the 2 hour schedule. You are a good eater, and now you don't sleep through most of your feedings. You had your 1st bottle at 4 weeks old, and did great. Daddy said you made some pretty bad faces, but you took 2 oz with a little coaching.
I'm not sure how much you weigh now, but I'm sure its over 8 lbs. You were over your birth weight at 1 week, and at a little short of 2 weeks you were at 7 lbs 6 oz. You are wearing size 1 diapers now and are in between newborn and 0-3 month clothes. Some of the 0-3 month clothes that run a little small fit you pretty good now.
Posted by Gina at 12:13 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mother of 2
A good friend of mine who has a newborn asked me which was harder- being a first time mom with Addison, or having two children. I told her being a first time mom. I asked Grant the same question and he agreed. Overall, we are doing great! I am much calmer this time, and I just don't sweat the small stuff! With that said it is soo hard trying to divide my time between the girls. I have been taking Addison to school 2-3 days a week to keep her in her routine, and to give Ansley and me some time alone. When I have them both here, it is a constant game of trying to occupy one or the other. If Ansley is asleep, and actually not in my arms, I try to play with Addison. This leaves little to no time for housework, etc. It all seems to work and Grant helps a lot when he gets home. I had quit buying paper plates because I was going a little green, but the paper goods are back!
If I am having somewhat of a stressful day, I just think of how lucky I am to have these 2 beautiful girls!
Posted by Gina at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I'm pumping!
I wish I had a picture, but I am sitting here finishing up the last post while Addison plays in the bathtub. She just held up a bath toy to her booby and said, "look Mom! I'm pumping!"
Posted by Gina at 6:51 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mayflower vist
Although Grant has still had a little odds and ends to complete, the Mayflower house/cabin is complete!! Gaywyn and Gary stayed the first night the weekend after Ansley was born, or maybe around the time (it all is a little blurry!:)) she was born. So, the weekend of May 1st, we went to see the finished product and spend a little time with the family. They hadn't (and still haven't) got their furniture in yet, so we sat on the outside furniture, but we had a nice visit.
Ansley enjoyed a long nap on G Dad's chest...
Addison enjoyed reading books with Grammy...
Posted by Gina at 11:36 AM 0 comments